A Genshin Impact 2.1 Beta bug is preventing Electro Archon Raiden Shogun from cooking.
Raiden Shogun is an upcoming Genshin Impact 5* character. Her Element is Electro and she uses a Polearm but during Elemental Burst, her attacks change to Sword slashes. According to some recent leaks, the Raiden Shogun event banner will arrive on 9th September.
But the Current 5* Yoimiya Event Banner is set to end in 8 Days and 10 hours on August 31st. So we might be getting the Raiden Shogun Banner shorty after this current one expires. Nothing can be said for certain as Mihoyo is yet to announce the Raiden banner release date as of yet.

Read More: Genshin Impact 2.0: “Ley Line Overflow” Schedule, Eligibility and Event Details
Genshin Impact 2.1 Beta Raiden Cooking Bug:
Currently, Genshin Impact Beta testers are able to play Raiden Shogun and try her out. A bug in the Genshin Impact 2.1 Beta version is preventing Raiden Shogun/Baal from cooking.
dimbreath on Twitter recently posted about Raiden’s inability to cook because of the bug. The Tweet reads,
“As of the latest beta version, she is still unable to cook.
When attempting to swap to her in the character list, you will be see a prompt.
If you enter the cooking pot with her as an active character, it won’t let you proceed with cooking.”
There are only a few days left until Raiden officially arrives in Genshin Impact so Mihoyo will surely fix this bug before that time. Genshin Impact players who are lucky enough to pull her can then let her handle the cooking without any worries.